Our company The Consultants-E turned 10 this year (10!), and we’re celebrating. This month (April), we’re giving away four copies of our hot-off-the-press book Digital Literacies, written by Gavin Dudeney, Mark Pegrum and myself. Catch the fourth and final giveaway:
Digital Literacies Book giveaway 4
Duration: 22-30 April
What to do: Choose one digital literacy and an app that helps develop it – how would you use it with students?
Post your ideas in the comments section of our Blog, or on our Facebook page.
The winning idea will be chosen on April 30th.
If you need to brush up on what digital literacies are, and why they’re important, see the other blog posts in this series:
Digital literacies blog posts series:
- Digital literacies 1: The what
- Digital literacies 2: The Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus
- Digital literacies 3: Book giveaway
- Digital literacies 4: Teens & social networks
- Digital literacies 5: Remix
Nicky Hockly
The Consultants-E
April 2013
British Council Digital literacies workshop
This workshop provides an introduction to ‘Digital literacies’. It offers an insight to the different aspects of digital literacies and gives some practical tips for the classroom. The workshop was filmed at the British Council Young learner centre, Barcelona in December 2012. The workshop is divided into four parts.
- Part 1 looks at ‘Information literacy’ through a lesson on the Pacific Northwest tree octopus.
- Part 2 gives an overview of the various digital literacies.
- Part 3 shows how ‘media literacy’ can be taught.
- Part 4 examines cultural and Intercultural literacies, and demonstrates how these can be taught.
- Finally, this articles sums it all up: Digital literacies: what are they and why should we care?