Going Mobile: Time will tell
To celebrate the recent publication of our new book Going Mobile (co-authored with Gavin Dudeney), we’re sharing a number of activities you can try out with your students, to get them using mobile devices as part of the their language learning. The first...
Going Mobile: Twitter celebrities
To celebrate the recent publication of our new book Going Mobile (co-authored with Gavin Dudeney), we're sharing a number of activities you can try out with your students, to get them using mobile devices as part of the their language learning. Last week's activity...
New year, new book: Going Mobile
A new year and a new book. Although published last month (December 2014), the print copies of my new book Going Mobile (co-written with Gavin Dudeney) arrived on my doorstep a few days ago. For me, it's the perfect New Year gift to finally see the book in print (it's...
Teaching with mobile devices: FAQs
There is a good reason for my 3 month blogging hiatus. Since January, work has taken me to Chile for 2 weeks, Egypt for a week, India for 3 weeks, and Moscow for a week. And then the TESOL US conference in Portland followed immediately by the IATEFL conference in...
5 Cool things I learned about in 2013
Of course I learned a lot more than five things in 2013, but here are five that I especially like: 1 The quantified self movement When a non-techy friend visiting me from London showed up wearing a FitBit earlier this year, it struck me that the self- quantified...
Papers on mobile assisted language learning (MALL)
The International Research Foundation (TIRF) has recently published five papers on mobile assisted language learning (MALL), all freely available on the TIRF website. Each of the papers is followed by a discussion, which you can add to. Abstracts and links to the...
Future present
'The past is always tense, the future perfect' (Zadie Smith) I've been thinking about the future a lot recently. Specifically about the future of education, and how it will be affected (or not) by technology. These musings were prompted by preparing a 20-minute...
Two free online conferences 11-13 October
Interested in learning how educators are using technology with their learners in a range of different contexts around the world? Read on. There are a couple of free online conferences about using technology with English language learners next week (11-13...
Mobile devices in EFL: What do students think?
What do EFL learners think about working with mobile devices in the classroom? Does it make them more motivated? Do they participate more in class? Does it improve their English? Is there evidence for any affective improvements? This blog post describes the findings...
Water: Smartphones for vocab
While teaching EFL in the UK this summer, I piloted a number of classroom activities getting students to use their (ubiquitous) mobile devices, for an upcoming book on mobile and handheld learning. Below is a very simple activity that can be linked to almost...