Digital literacies 4: Teens & social networks
A few years back my daughter (then aged 14) told me she was going out. To meet a friend at lunchtime. I asked who. A Facebook friend she didn’t know. Someone who had befriended her as they were the same age, lived in the same city, and had the same...Digital literacies 3: Book giveaway
Our company The Consultants-E turned 10 this year (10!), and we’re celebrating. This month (April), we’re giving away four copies of our hot-off-the-press book Digital Literacies, written by Gavin Dudeney, Mark Pegrum and myself. Catch the fourth and final giveaway!
Integrating a 1-to-1 tablet initiative at primary level
ICT educators: Dimitris Primalis I met Dimitris last year at a TESOL Greece conference, and was impressed by the 1-to-1 tablet initiative at his school. In this guest blog post Dimitris shares his experience from Doukas school in Athens which integrated ICT into the...The 1-minute mLearning panel summary
At the recent IATEFL 2012 conference held in Glasgow, Macmillan sponsored a panel discussion about mLearning, with a number of educational experts: Agnes Kukulska-Hulme (Open University UK): researcher and writer on mLearning in education Gillian Penny (West Dunbarton...5 ways to enhance your social presence in online courses
How are present are you as an instructor in your online courses? Research* has shown that tutor presence – the sense of the tutor being there – is a key motivator for online students. The trick is to find the middle ground between being omnipresent (and too stifling), and being invisible (and appearing uninterested ). Here are five things that can help you strike this balance.
Free monthly webinars start 5 Nov
Free monthly webinars (online workshops or seminars) from the IATEFL Learning Technologies SIG 2011 – 2012.
Sourcing the crowd: Tech tips for teachers
Crowdsourced ICT tips for teachers new to using technology in the classroom.
5 Myths about mobile learning
Common mLearning myths – and some myth-busting lesson plans.
The Principled Approach 2
How to effectively integrate technology (ICT) in a principled manner into your teaching: some key questions to ask yourself.